Home Care Partners

VA In-Home Respite Care Program Summary

The Veteran Administration offers funded homecare services to relieve the care burden and stress of caregiving. In-Home Respite Care is available for those family members caring for veterans (of any age). There are no financial requirements for this program. In-Home Respite Care Program provides assistance, and relief, to family care providers who are responsible for veteran homecare & assistance.

The VA will pay for up to 30 days per calendar year of “respite care”. Per VA specifications, “one day” of respite care service equates to 6 hours. Any time less than 6 hours still counts as “one day” of care assistance.

Essentially, the In-Home Respite Care Program covers an average of 2.5 days per month over the calendar year. (Again, one day equates to maximum of 6 hours.)

Any hours in excess of 6 hours are the payment responsibility of the family. There are no carry-over hours. That is, if family utilizes 4 hours of care service, the remaining 2 hours can not be carried over to the next day. Those hours can be utilized on the same day, otherwise they are lost and unused.

In-Home Respite Care is provided by qualified home care agencies, such as Home Care Partners, who are licensed in Massachusetts and registered with the VA. We will directly invoice the VA for the hours provided as “respite care” for the family caregiver. Program eligibility is renewable annually.

Benefit Eligibility
To qualify for this benefit, the veteran…

  • Must be registered with a veteran medical facility for his/her primary care physician
  • Medical facilities include West Roxbury VA Hospital, or Brockton VA Hospital
  • Family caregiver must reside with the veteran

Contact Us

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Call: Home Care Partners at 781-378-2164 with questions and to discuss eligibility!