Elders Discharged to Home

Transition Assistance Needed for Elderly Patients

Do you know any elderly parent who enjoys their hospital stay? If your experience is like mine, your parents do not want to be hospitalized. If at all possible, they will avoid any trip to the hospital – many times to the detriment of their own health.

Elders can be so anxious to be discharged that they are not honest about whether they can manage themselves at home. Home Care Partners’ recently took on an 80+ year old client who was two weeks removed from a hip reconstruction. He was extremely anxious to get out of the hospital, and was able to secure an early release. But he is unable to ambulate, and needs help for everything he does…dressing himself, bathing, meal preparation, rehab, errands and shopping, and transitioning in/out of bed.

Communication, guidance, information, and assistance are needed for non-complaint and overwhelmed elderly patients. To many seniors, a hospitalization can be terrifying. They are subjected to a world which they do not understand.  Physicians and nursing staff can speak in a language that is not understood – certainly not by many seniors.  Frail elders may not be feeling well, may be worried and feeling vulnerable, and are in a mental fog due to medications. In many instances, upon returning home these community seniors fall back on the same bad habits that got them hospitalized in the first place.

Having home care to assist on transition can bring stability to the home.  Mature, homecare staff will provide guidance on daily needs; timeliness on prescribed medications; and adherence to the discharge plans.  This additional home assistance enables seniors to remain safe and secure in their own homes.


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