Military Friends Foundation Provides Veteran Support

There are many community resources available to veterans – young and old – which offer support, counselling, and financial assistance. The Military Friends Foundation is one such resource.

Established in 2003 with the financial support of private donors, this independent non-profit organization offers financial assistance to eligible families who have faced hardships related to active service. Their motto…Serving Our Heroes…One Family At A Time. The Military Friends Foundation is designed to assist eligible Massachusetts National Guard and Reserve families facing financial hardships related to a deployment or extended activation. To date, the Military Friends Foundation has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial grants to Massachusetts military families in need.

A little background is in order here. In November 2005, the “Welcome Home Bill” was passed by the Massachusetts State Legislature. This legislation established the Massachusetts Military Family Relief Fund. This Fund is designed to offer financial assistance for families of Massachusetts National Guard members and Reservists who were called to active duty (under Title 10 or Title 32 for force protection missions) after September 11, 2001. All citizens of the Commonwealth, or at least those filing taxes, may have noticed a voluntary tax-check box on the MA state income tax form. This allows taxpayers to donate directly to the Fund in support of military families. These donations are critical to the Foundation’s success in serving families.

Unlike any other time in our history, men and women are being called upon to serve this Nation overseas. The Military Friends Foundation recognizes the unique contributions and sacrifices made by Massachusetts National Guard and Reserve families. Thanks to support from individuals, communities and corporations, the Foundation has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to National Guard and Reserve families across the Commonwealth. It has also begun to assist families from neighboring states, such as New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, who belong to military units based here in Massachusetts.

One of the Military Friends Foundation’s programs is called Hero’s Salute, which supports Families of Fallen Service Members across the Commonwealth. Hero’s Salute is designed to offer financial support to families in the days immediately following the death of a loved one and ongoing support for years to come. This is the first Military Friends Foundation program open to families of all active and reserve components.

To learn more about The Military Friends Foundation, or to make a contribution in support of our military families, please take a moment to visit:
– John D. Miller is the owner of Home Care Partners, LLC, a Massachusetts business providing private duty, personalized in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help in daily activities and household functions. He can be reached at: (781) 378-2164; email: [email protected] ; or online at:


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