Nursing Home Care Cited as Deficient

In today’s news, I came across an article discussing a recent study of the nation’s nursing homes. This was a state-by-state study. Although we must allow for differences in survey protocol and data collection, there were some very revealing results and information specific to the industry.

The following key findings were highlighted:

– Only seven states were found to provide more than one hour of professional nursing care per resident day
– Further, it was found that 96 percent of the states offered residents fewer than three hours of direct resident care each day. (This includes care not just from nurses, but all staff such as physical therapists, nursing care assistants and activity therapists.)
– Nearly 90 percent of all nursing homes were cited with a deficiency. (editors note: This statistic has to be viewed cautiously, since it does not say anything about the type or severity of deficiency.)
– Resident abuse and neglect in nursing homes was quite common. It was found that one in five nursing homes experienced issues of abuse, neglect or mistreatment in almost one-half of the states.
– When complaints were submitted and the proper authorities were notified, certain states were found to have higher levels of verified complaint verification. Montana, Connecticut, Wyoming, Washington DC, Missouri, and Massachusetts had extraordinary high complaint verification rates. Conversely, New Hampshire, Nevada, and New Jersey had the fewest. (Again, this has to be looked at cautiously as well since those who investigate complaints have a level of subjectivity in their investigative protocol.)
– Health care inspections for nursing homes was found to be low.

This study published by a nonprofit advocacy group, Families for Better Care. It is claimed to be the first state-by-state review of nursing home care that has been undertaken.
– John D. Miller is the founder/owner of Home Care Partners, LLC, a Massachusetts business providing private duty, personalized in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help in daily activities and household functions. He can be reached at: (781) 378-2164; email: [email protected] ; or online at:


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