Help Wanted: Caregiving (Part 1)
Most new jobs aren’t inherited! Usually, new employment is a process that involves research, phone calls, interviews, and a job offer. But when a family member has a stroke or heart attack, is diagnosed with dementia, cancer, or has a life threatening event, our lives change. We also don’t realize that it is the beginning of a brand new job. A job for which there was no application or interview process. And in most cases, it is full-time with long work hours.
Round one may begin with an urgent phone call, soon to be followed by a maze of hospitals and doctor’s appointments. Third party specialists may be required. The short-term result may involve rehabilitation, treatment (chemotherapy? radiation?), physical therapy, juggling multiple medications, etc. Suddenly our daily time is condensed. A new responsibility has been added to our “normal” job and immediate family. Now there is a loved one to manage and care for.
Your new job title: “Caregiver”. Duties include: taking care of someone who is unable to take care of themselves. Time, focus and dedication are required. Sometimes this “job” can be managed via long distance, but it is not easy. (Hint: Home Care Partners may be able to help here.)
Caregiving is a worthy endeavor. There is no greater joy than to serve another. Even if it involves taking care of one from a not-so-great past relationship. This “job” may provide you the opportunity to forgive, and mend a relationship.
John D. Miller is the founder/owner of Home Care Partners, LLC, a Massachusetts business providing private duty, personalized in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help in daily activities and household functions.
Phone: (781) 378-2164
Email: [email protected]