Summer Heat and Senior Dehydration

Dehydration can cause issues such as low blood pressure, cognitive impairment, and urinary tract infections.  Proper hydration is vital to keeping the body regulated.  Seniors, those over age 65, are much more prone to heat related issues than other age groups.  And even healthy seniors who travel and change climate and elevations can be slowed by bodily perspiration and water loss.

There are a number of reasons the elderly are so prone to dehydration:

  • As our bodies age, the water content of our bodies decreases.
  • Medications and prescriptions can result in increased susceptibility for seniors to dehydration.
  • The body’s ability to adapt to heat and to self-regulate can be effected or diminished due to current state of health.
  • Certain conditions, such as lack of comprehension, communication disorders, decreased mobility, and incontinence can contribute to dehydration.
  • There is a reduced ability to monitor bodily changes in temperature.  This sensitivity or self-regulatory mechanism typically decreases as we age.
  • Elderly often experience diminished thirst.  When you ask, “are you thirsty?” they say, “no.”  Often, they have lost the sense of thirst. 

Research has shown the negative impact of dehydration and our aging adults.  Specifically:

  • Dehydration is a frequent cause of elderly hospitalization.
  • Elderly health issues are impacted due to dehydration, resulting in cases of confusion, dizziness, and constipation.
  • Dehydration has been associated with increased mortality rates among the elderly population

What to do?  Encouraging fluid intake is the key.  Regular fluids at meals, and throughout the day. Maintain fluid intake with medication schedules.  Utilize visual aids…keep a glass of water/juice within arm’s reach of your elderly parents.



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