Caring for Our Veterans

Caring for veterans, both young and old, has been a big concern in recent years. People returning from war, whether now or in the past, require and deserve special care and consideration, and the measures in place currently to support them are often wholly inadequate.

There are too many stories in the press these days about the consequences of poor veteran health systems, the alcohol and drug problems, mental health issues and even the loss of life.

This issue is one that affects too many lives and must remain in the public consciousness, if only to ensure politicians understand that improvements to existing services, as well as additional services, must always be on their agendas.

America has military forces in 150 countries around the world. There are also veterans from countless past conflicts, including World War II, The Korean War, Vietnam and the Gulf War. America’s obligation to care for its veterans is not going away, and the health care services are struggling to keep up with the need.

A veteran may be someone who has been in the military for a long time and has seen many deployments before finally retiring from service. It could be someone who was injured in a past war and has carried the scars of that conflict to the present day. Or it may be a young person who has recently returned from a military zone overseas with physical, mental or emotional scars or limitations because of the experience.



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