Elder Aging & Life Long Learning

New learning activities can be very fulfilling. Years ago, my elderly mother joined an “investment club”. Members included old acquaintances and some new faces. Every month the members got together to review stock investments, and look over new investment opportunities. Not only was it an educational forum to participate in the world of investing, but it was fun due to the camaraderie and planning process. And they made a little money in the process!

My father always enjoyed reading. Especially, anything related to WWll and U.S. history. Our ancestors had a farm in Gettysburg prior to the battle, so he was always attracted to any Civil War history. His DVD collection was bigger than mine. You can bet that on every family occasion, whether birthdays or holidays, he welcomed gifts of a new book or video to immerse himself in.

Rekindling well worn activities can be fun, also. Encourage active seniors to join the local bowling league, golf, lawn bowling, garden club, book club, or any other community activity. This gets them out them out of the house; encourages socialization; may result in some beneficial physical exercise; and dusts off some old skills. Maybe the weekly bridge club brings a group of friends and neighbors together. Or, learning to play a new musical instrument. Life long learning is an attitude. Old dogs can learn new tricks.

Remember, sometimes it’s easiest to help in small, subtle ways. Urging seniors to try something new may lead to a terrific experience. Contact your local Council on Aging to learn about events, programs, and activities. And/or, homecare staff can help to accompany elders to various activities. Providing in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help can yield great social benefits. Positive gestures can become significant building blocks when helping your elderly parents. And you all may appreciate the quality it brings to your elderly parents and family.


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