Alzheimer’s Disease Recognition

Very often the initial symptoms appearing in a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease are examined in hindsight. It can be a little like viewing a car accident in the rearview mirror.  At first, his/her difficulty in recalling words may seem very minor, perhaps for no other reason than a lack of sleep or a “senior moment.”  However, he/she may begin repeating himself. There is confusion and repetition evidenced by asking the same questions over and over again. It usually becomes more obvious when he/she becomes increasingly forgetful, sometimes not remembering why he/she has gone to the store or how to drive home on streets he/she has known for years. Soon, even a spouse or adult child in some state of denial will realize this is not a case of normal aging.

In addition to losing their cognitive faculties, victims of Alzheimer’s often demonstrate personality and behavior changes. They may become more contentious and demanding. And, as terrible as Alzheimer’s becomes, it is often the family member who serves as the primary caregiver who bears the largest burden.

Alzheimer’s is not necessarily a visual disease, such as cancer or diabetes. Family members may not know or understand what the primary caregiver goes through. Even in the later stages of the disease, many Alzheimer’s patients can manage to cover up so well that even adult children or siblings may see a totally different side when they visit or call. This is a facade which can completely mask the ongoing disease progression and subsequent personality/behavioral changes. Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s can be an all-consuming 24-hour-a-day, seven-day a week grind.

Home Care Partners provides experienced, compassionate and dependable caregivers carefully selected to provide our clients with loving care and assistance. We provide families with peace of mind.  Contact us today @ (781) 378-2164 to inquire about our affordable rates and to find a solution that fits your family, parents, or those important seniors in your community.


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