Brain Training for Elderly

In the United States, approximately 40% of seniors (those over the age of 65 years) experience age-related memory impairment. Keep in mind, memory functions and mental health are closely connected. Helping older adults stay sharp can also improve their quality of life.

To maintain a healthy memory, seniors must stay mentally active. This should not be a difficult task! Some activities for maintaining a healthy memory are things elders may already be doing as part of their everyday lives.

• Read and write regularly.

• Play games, solve riddles, and complete puzzles.

• Try learning to play an instrument or take up a new hobby.

• Take a class at a community college, university, or adult education center.

• Spend time in conversation and socializing

The brain is part of the body. Seniors’ physical health will affect cognitive function, including memory. Pay attention to factors that affect memory, such as:

Physical Activity/Exercise is good for the brain. Activity promotes good circulation, so your mind gets the oxygen it needs. Plus, your brain and memory both work when you have to make coordinated motions or follow a workout routine.

Nutrition. Brains need fuel. Research shows that diets high in saturated fat can inhibit memory, while healthy diets rich with fish, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are good for maintaining a healthy memory.

Sleep and Rest. A tired brain can’t devote as much energy to making or storing memories. Seniors should get plenty of sleep.

Are you, or elderly parents, experiencing any of the following symptoms of memory loss: Misplacing items? Forgetting appointments or directions? Needing new information repeated in order to remember it?


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