Family and Denial

In addition to our elderly parents, other family members may also suffer from denial. Have you ever said to yourself, "Mom and Dad seem ok. When I spoke with them last week, they said everything was fine." Can you honestly...

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Elder Denial and Aging

"You don't need to worry about it...I can do it myself". How many times have you heard such a statement from your elderly parents? The subject of conversation could be almost anything. Have you cut the lawn? Have you had breakfast/lunch...

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Elder Denial

Denial can be an internal mechanism of protection. It can protect us from certain emotions we want to avoid, or refuse to accept. But sometimes it can be a hindrance in acknowledging the truth, or dealing with the reality...

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Elderly & Medication Validation

Came across this post interesting issue for seniors. Does the body metabolize prescribed meds? According to the Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 200,000 older adults are hospitalized annually due to "adverse drug reactions". And 55 percent of...

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Aging Plan? Medicare Facts & Figures

Health care costs will likely be your biggest retirement expense. For older adults, saving for retirement is only a start. Having enough financial resources and flexibility to live in retirement, PLUS cover expected health care costs as you grow...

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Cancer Survivors Day, June 5th

Re-posting a timely entry from the Social Security Administration...I think we all know someone fighting or surviving cancer... In 2016, more than a million people will be diagnosed with cancer around the world. This alarming statistic affects the young, the...

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Honoring Our Service Members

Timely re-post from the Social Security Administration as we approach Memorial Day... "Traditionally, on Memorial Day we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. The unexpected loss of a service member is a difficult experience for the...

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Care for Aging Population

By 2030, one in five Americans will be over the age of 65. This massive shift in the country’s demographics will put new pressures on the healthcare system, which will have to reconsider many aspects of care delivery. This...

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Home Care is Most Affordable Option

Re-posting a recent home care industry blog... For years now, home care has been a more affordable option than any other type of senior care. Compared to the services available in nursing homes and assisted living residences, the cost for...

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Market Trends in Aging, part 2

Market trends to be aware of as the life expectancy of our elderly parents continues to change the population demographic in the U.S. -- Financial assets, and debt: According to a recent market report, elders age 75+ average approximately $150,000...

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