Veterans Have Access to Boston VA Healthcare System

High Quality Healthcare & Benefits All Veterans are encouraged to enroll in the VA Health Care System. And the Boston VA Healthcare System is committed to providing the high quality healthcare and benefits that our Veterans - young, and old...

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Is All Medical Care Equal?

Reform Needed for Consistent Pricing I recently came across an article which detailed a summer research project on health care costs. It was conducted by a student, who called over 100 hospitals across the country. The inquiry involved a fictitious...

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Proper Management of Heart Failure Patients

Care Planning Reduces Hospital Re-Admission Elderly parents suffering from heart failure constitute a large percentage of hospital re-admissions. Those suffering this malady greatly impact the cost of health care due to the ongoing medical vigilance required to maintain healthy blood...

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Reshaping the Healthcare System

Improve Care, Provide Continuity, and Eliminate Fraud In the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the federal agency responsible for protecting the health of all Americans. The agency oversees and regulates providers of essential human services,...

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Elders Discharged to Home

Transition Assistance Needed for Elderly Patients Do you know any elderly parent who enjoys their hospital stay? If your experience is like mine, your parents do not want to be hospitalized. If at all possible, they will avoid any trip to...

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Hospital Discharges Lack Planning and Compliance

Hand-off to Home Care Services Research data has established a strong link between attention to care transitions and lower readmission rates. When and how a patient is prepared for hospital discharge greatly effects probability of success - which in this...

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Hospital Penalties for Patient Re-Admission

Medicare Attempts to Rein In Costs Hospitals with higher-than-average 30-day risk-adjusted re-admission rates for heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, pneumonia cases between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2011, will receive reduced Medicare payments starting in FY 2013, capped at...

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Discharge Responsibility of Medical Care Service Providers

The function of a community hospital is to provide medical care and resources for it's patient community. But, until now, there has been no responsibility or - "ownership"  - for inefficiency. It is the judgment of Medicare that many...

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Trends: Medicare to Penalize Hospital Re-Admissions

Issue re-cap: Medicare has begun penalizing U.S. hospitals for having too many counts of patient re-admissions. Unacceptable numbers of re-admissions will be penalized by reducing the reimbursements paid by Medicare back to hospitals for their services. Other hospitals are...

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Forecasts and Trends in the Elder Market

Expect Constant Change As we witness the market forces and technological change in the world of healthcare for our elderly parents, we are seeing some trends emerging which are worth noting. Over the coming weeks, I will attempt to provide greater...

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