Medicare Changes in 2015

Passing along important information concerning Medicare 2015 enrollment and individual plan coverages... Millions of Medicare recipients could be hit with rising prescription drug premium costs in 2015. Nearly 10 million people now enrolled in six of the 10 largest Part...

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Holidays and Health Clues

Many of us are likely to visit with our aging parents and elderly relatives over the holidays. And in many cases, Mom or Dad is living alone, or beginning to have trouble living independently. Now is a good time...

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Aging Parents and Holidays

The Fall and Winter holidays mean different things to different people, but for most of us, they are very much about family. Here are some observances to be mindful of as you engage with your elderly parents or family...

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Get Prepared for Winter

Winter is quickly approaching and if you are a caregiver of an elderly person you are probably concerned about their well-being. As a responsible caregiver, you want to make sure you are taking the necessary precautions to make winter...

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Warning Signs of Aging and Decline

What are warning signs of age related decline? Many times, elders will tell us one thing, and do something completely different. I find phone calls can be particularly deceptive, because what I hear can be a "memory response", but not...

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Age Decline

It can be difficult to tell the difference between normal, age-related decline and something more serious. According to a recent article quoting a psychiatrist (and private practitioner in Massachusetts), there are several ways families can tell if an elderly...

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Do You Have a Plan for Aging?

It's no secret: None of us are getting any younger, and more people who are growing old are living longer than ever before. But what most of us tend to shove to the back of our minds is the...

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Surgery – Peripheral Artery Disease

Our third installment concerning "peripheral artery disease" covers invasive surgical procedures which may be employed to correct obstructions, strengthen arterial walls, and/or by-pass deteriorated arterial pathways altogether. In some cases, angioplasty or bypass or thrombolytic therapy surgery may be necessary...

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