Spring is a Time for Allergies

Spring is the season when the trees start to bloom and allergy sufferers begin their annual ritual of sniffling, watery and itchy eyes, coughing, and sneezing. Although there is no magical cure for spring allergies, there are a number...

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Care Staff Helps “Follow Doctor’s Orders”

"Following the doctor's orders" -- can greatly reduce total healthcare use and costs. But I know my parents are not good about this. When in consultation with their primary care physician, they acknowledge understanding the conversation. They...

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Caregivers are Crucial for Aging Seniors

The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by 2030, nearly 20% of the U.S. population will be age 65 or older -- based on 10,000-plus baby boomers now turning 65 every day. The Institute of Medicine reports that more than...

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Nursing Home Care Cited as Deficient

In today's news, I came across an article discussing a recent study of the nation's nursing homes. This was a state-by-state study. Although we must allow for differences in survey protocol and data collection, there were some...

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Hospitals – Generalist or Specialist?

Should a functioning hospital provide a "continuum of care", in which they are attempting to care for patients as they recover, age, and deteriorate? Or is it best to bring a certain medical expertise to patients, who then...

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Hospitals Represent Changing Healthcare Landscape

In today's news...the announcement that total enrollments for the Affordable Care Act have hit 7.1 million - which was roughly the original expectation. This represents a significant milestone on the healthcare landscape. Indeed, healthcare in our country is changing....

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Feeling Sleepy? Try Exercising

For the many people who don’t feel refreshed after sleeping, exercise could be the solution. A recent study by the National Sleep Foundation found that exercisers report better sleep than non-exercisers even though they say they sleep the same...

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Financial Planning Includes Social Security Benefits

As many Americans push toward retirement, there is an ever-present worry regarding whether seniors will outlive their financial resources. That is, will their money run out before they die? Social Security benefits help to cover the financial needs...

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