Nursing Home Care Cited as Deficient

In today's news, I came across an article discussing a recent study of the nation's nursing homes. This was a state-by-state study. Although we must allow for differences in survey protocol and data collection, there were some...

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Hospitals – Generalist or Specialist?

Should a functioning hospital provide a "continuum of care", in which they are attempting to care for patients as they recover, age, and deteriorate? Or is it best to bring a certain medical expertise to patients, who then...

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Hospitals Represent Changing Healthcare Landscape

In today's news...the announcement that total enrollments for the Affordable Care Act have hit 7.1 million - which was roughly the original expectation. This represents a significant milestone on the healthcare landscape. Indeed, healthcare in our country is changing....

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Feeling Sleepy? Try Exercising

For the many people who don’t feel refreshed after sleeping, exercise could be the solution. A recent study by the National Sleep Foundation found that exercisers report better sleep than non-exercisers even though they say they sleep the same...

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Financial Planning Includes Social Security Benefits

As many Americans push toward retirement, there is an ever-present worry regarding whether seniors will outlive their financial resources. That is, will their money run out before they die? Social Security benefits help to cover the financial needs...

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Retirement Benefits on Social Security

You qualify for Social Security benefits by earning credits when you work in a job, or are self-employed, and pay Social Security payroll taxes. In 2014, you receive one credit for each $1,200 of earnings, up to the maximum...

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Hepatitis C Symptoms Can Lay Dormant For Years

I have a friend who contracted the Hepatitis C virus years ago, and who is now suffering with liver cancer. He is unable to work, unable to function on a daily basis. Hepatitis C is the number one...

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Social Security Coverage for Spouses

The following provides an important reminder for many seniors reaching and/or exceeding retirement age. Acknowledgements to the Social Security Administration for much of the detail below... Social Security can be an important financial asset for married couples...

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Veteran Eligibility for Disability Compensation

The Veterans Administration provides financial benefits in the form of tax-free compensation, and lifetime pensions, to eligible Veterans - in some cases, including surviving spouses. In previous posts, we have reviewed the characteristics, coverage components, and rating structure...

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Veteran Benefits — An Explanation of Disability Compensation

Navigating and understanding the range and breadth of benefits and benefit programs available through the Veterans Administration can be extremely difficult, if not mind-numbing. Over the next several weeks, I will attempt to provide an overview and definition...

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