How to Prevent Dehydration

What steps can be taken to prevent dehydration? Obviously, fluid intake is the key. Elders need visual and verbal reminders to drink fluids such as water, juice, or sodas. Families and caregivers need to be cognizant about risks...

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Social Security Offers Broad Range Benefits

Social Security offers a variety of benefits when you need them. Retirement—by far the most widely utilized benefit. Most people need about 10 years of work (40 credits) to qualify for retirement benefits. You can retire as early as...

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Memory Performance and Aging

Let’s face it – as we get older, our memory does not seem quite as sharp as in years past. While we may not remember where the car keys are, or the name of the actor in the 1974...

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Sun Safety: Myths vs. Facts

We all can fool ourselves when it comes to "sun safety", and precaution. It can be difficult to cover-up when taking in the warmth of the sun. After a long winter, everyone enjoys being outdoors and shedding...

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Spring is a Time for Allergies

Spring is the season when the trees start to bloom and allergy sufferers begin their annual ritual of sniffling, watery and itchy eyes, coughing, and sneezing. Although there is no magical cure for spring allergies, there are a number...

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Care Staff Helps “Follow Doctor’s Orders”

"Following the doctor's orders" -- can greatly reduce total healthcare use and costs. But I know my parents are not good about this. When in consultation with their primary care physician, they acknowledge understanding the conversation. They...

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Nursing Home Care Cited as Deficient

In today's news, I came across an article discussing a recent study of the nation's nursing homes. This was a state-by-state study. Although we must allow for differences in survey protocol and data collection, there were some...

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Hospitals Represent Changing Healthcare Landscape

In today's news...the announcement that total enrollments for the Affordable Care Act have hit 7.1 million - which was roughly the original expectation. This represents a significant milestone on the healthcare landscape. Indeed, healthcare in our country is changing....

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Feeling Sleepy? Try Exercising

For the many people who don’t feel refreshed after sleeping, exercise could be the solution. A recent study by the National Sleep Foundation found that exercisers report better sleep than non-exercisers even though they say they sleep the same...

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Q & A on Social Security Benefits

Financial planners are telling the truth...the sooner you begin your financial planning, the better off you will be. It's best to stay informed and have a baseline of your current and future financial needs. Keep in mind, Social Security replaces...

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