“Informed Aging & Your Future” Nov. 6th

Location: Hingham Council on Aging, 224 Central St., Hingham, MA 02043 Date: 11am - 2pm, Friday, November 6th, 2015. Event: "4th Annual...Informed Aging & Your Future” seminar will feature a panel of 8 elder specialists representing industries that cater to and...

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Where Should Elderly Live?

Identify the tasks your elderly parents need to live comfortably. Do they need your help? If you are asked to help with meals, it could mean anything from weekly grocery shopping to actually feeding someone who cannot manage utensils. If...

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Should Your Elderly Parents Stay at Home?

Are your elderly parents safe while living at home? This may be the preferred arrangement for all concerned family members, but the decision may not be clear-cut. Are they able to take care of themselves? Should parents move in with...

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Technology Assists Dementia Diagnosis

Due to ongoing research and ever innovative technologies, Alzheimer’s and other related forms of dementia are being diagnosed earlier than ever before. - New brain scans are enabling doctors to see inside the brains of people at high risk for...

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Elder Abuse is Emotional & Physical

If you observe that an elderly person seems hesitant to talk openly about issues related to his or her care, or caregivers, this should be a "red flag" and alert you to the potential that abuse may be occurring....

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“Social Security Week”

I opened my email this morning to find the following. Thought I would re-post this brief message from the Social Security Administration and "spread the word"... "July 19th through 25th marks the celebration of our second National my Social Security...

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Older Loved Ones Need Protection From Summer Heat

Check on elderly loved ones during heat waves just as you would during any emergency or natural disaster. Take these steps to keep them safe: -- If the home has air conditioning, be sure it is in good working order....

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Industry Conference Talking Points

I came across this information recently. It represents a summary of macro issues concerning our aging senior population... "Increased access to private pay options will be critical to funding care for a rapidly growing senior population. The growing senior population is...

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Elder Falls: Restraints Don’t Work

When an elder falls, it can result in significant physical problems, including broken bones, and surgery. Rehabilitation and recovery can be lengthy and slow. Unfortunately, falls in hospitals and nursing homes are an everyday occurrence. In many instances, elders...

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2015 Predicted Innovations, Part 2

This list of up-and-coming technologies and drug therapies was chosen by a panel of 110 physicians and scientists, and announced at the conference in Cleveland. Here is a continuation of their top picks. -- Checkpoint Inhibitors This breakthrough form of immunotherapy...

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