Cholesterol and Dangers for Elderly

When elderly parents — or any of us — get a blood test for cholesterol, the laboratory takes measures on levels of High Cholesterol (HDL), and Low Cholesterol (LDL). The total combined number for HDL and LDL should, optimally,...

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Ten Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

Re-posting a blog post from ElderCare Matters. I hear this question frequently, and this is a quick and simple explanation... **************************************************************************** What are some early warning signs of Alzheimer’s Disease? Dementia and Alzheimer’s are often confused as being the same, but they’re...

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Lifestyle Choices Can Effect Cognitive Health

Came across this information recently. While rather basic, some of the following lifestyle choices have actually been found to lower the risk of dementia. Part of the message is good to yourself! -- Eat a healthy diet. Try to...

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Elderly Care and Workforce Productivity

The "sandwich" generation is currently juggling family, work, and caring for aging parents. There is simply not enough time in the day for everything, and providing care for family elders is very possibly the most time consuming. Home care agencies...

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Home Care Assistance for Depression

For many aging seniors, the continued ability to maintain lifestyle and self-sufficiency is a huge benefit -- not only for their continued health and functionality -- but to ease the worry for distanced family and friends who may live...

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Seniors and Winter Doldrums?

The holidays are over. And many seniors are left feeling a sense of letdown, now that the excitement of visitors, food, gifts, and family have departed. Now we all start having to deal with winter weather...snow, cold, and being...

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Avoid Errors Upon Discharge Home

There are a variety of challenges facing elderly patients when discharged from a medical facility. -- Is your elderly parent really ready for discharge? Is he/she safe to be sent home? -- Medication changes: many times, prescription drugs will be changed...

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Discharge from Rehab or Hospital?

It is a fairly common expectation for seniors, as well as family members, to expect a return to their pre-hospital or pre-rehab health levels upon discharge from a rehab facility. Unfortunately, this is not practical. And not maintaining realistic...

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Transitioning Home From Acute Care

In the mind of a senior, many times they feel they are "better", or "cured" upon discharge from a hospital or rehabilitation facility. Especially when they arrive back home, where the surroundings are familiar and they can return to...

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Hike in Medicare Premiums

There are changes being implemented in the Medicare program. Medicare beneficiaries at higher income levels will feel the brunt of the cost change. For example, individuals with incomes above $85,000 (or more than $170,000 for married couples) will see the...

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