Slight 2017 Increase in Supplemental Security Income

Re-post from Social Security newsletter... Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits will see a slight increase in 2017. Some other adjustments that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based...

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Brain Nourishment for Elders

As we grow older, normal aging causes elders to experience decline in cognitive functions. Leading a healthy lifestyle that’s both socially and intellectually stimulating combats normal, age-related mental decline. Here are some additional tips to help keep the mind sharp...

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Aging Brain Needs Nourishment

As we age, our brain literally shrinks. Over time, we may lose more than 10% of its size. But the brain is similar to muscle, in that muscles shrink and lose strength without exercise. Similarly, the brain can be...

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Elderly Parents Safe at Home?

Are your elderly parents safe living in their home? Generally, they sound comfortable on the long distance phone call. But aging issues can negatively effect their home safety and mobility due to the haziness brought on by medications --...

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Managing Your Asthma

Asthma sufferers can get help that will enable you to enjoy life while managing your symptoms. There are preventative steps that can be taken to minimize some inflammation issues. First, you might begin by speaking with your physician and developing...

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Asthma and Summertime

Asthma affects an estimated one in 12 Americans. It is a chronic lung disease where the airways narrow and swell, producing extra mucus, making it difficult to breathe. Other common symptoms include coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. It...

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Summer Heat and Elderly

Heat related fatigue or illness effecting elderly parents can take many forms, including rapid breathing, weakness or fainting, headaches, and confusion. First and foremost, replenish the elderly - or anyone suffering from heat related issues - with water, which is...

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Family and Denial

In addition to our elderly parents, other family members may also suffer from denial. Have you ever said to yourself, "Mom and Dad seem ok. When I spoke with them last week, they said everything was fine." Can you honestly...

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Elder Denial and Aging

"You don't need to worry about it...I can do it myself". How many times have you heard such a statement from your elderly parents? The subject of conversation could be almost anything. Have you cut the lawn? Have you had breakfast/lunch...

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Elder Denial

Denial can be an internal mechanism of protection. It can protect us from certain emotions we want to avoid, or refuse to accept. But sometimes it can be a hindrance in acknowledging the truth, or dealing with the reality...

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