Causes of Oral Cancer

Following up on last week’s blog post…what causes oral cancer? The short answer…much is under our control.

The most common risk factors for oral cancer are:

  • Smoking – including the use of cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, or pipes
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • A family history of cancer
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

It is important to note that over one quarter of all oral cancers occur in people who do not smoke and who only drink alcohol occasionally.

In addition to eliminating those risk factors you can control, the best way to limit the likelihood of oral cancer is to take an active role in its detection. This means:

  • Conducting a monthly self-exam. Using a bright light and a mirror, look and feel your lips and the front of your gums, the roof and floor of your mouth, the lining of your cheeks, the back gums, and the back of your mouth. Feel for lumps or enlarged lymph nodes on both sides of your neck and under your lower jaw. Should you notice any changes, make an immediate appointment with your dentist.
  • Seeing your dentist on a regular schedule. Since dangerous spots or sores in the mouth can be very tiny and difficult to see, it is recommended that you ask your dentist to perform an oral exam during your dental appointments.

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