From Hospital to Home: Benefits of Home Care

One of the most significant challenges hospitals face in reducing readmission rates (when a patient is readmitted within 30 days of their discharge) is keeping their patients actively engaged in their own health, recovery, and care.   Readmission, in many cases, will be financially costly for hospitals.  It may cut their Medicare re-imbursement on services invoiced.

A doctor or nurse can only do so much, and even though many hospitals across the country have been providing more information, support, and other resources to patients upon discharge, if those patients don’t do what’s necessary or recommended, it can lead to complications.

Many forward thinking hospitals are beginning to lean more on home care support to insure an effective discharge care plan.  As hospitals face the risk of hefty fines from the federal government should they fail to reduce those readmission rates, it may be more of an economic priority.

What is the value to elderly patients?  Just to name a few…1) less worry about re-admittance; 2) no need to manage transport to hospital facility; 3) ability to remain in comfort of home; 4) reduced stress; 5) increasing efficiency in remote monitoring; 6) more patient recognition and acceptance of care plan and services.

Not only do patients benefit emotionally from home care as opposed to lying in a hospital or nursing home bed for days or weeks, knowing a home care aide will be stopping at their home can offer a great deal of emotional comfort to those frail and isolated seniors.

While the primary focus for some of these hospitals is patients with chronic illnesses, home care offers support for those who are also recovering from serious health issues, injuries, and more.

By offering a level of care at home that seniors and others hadn’t had access to in the past, more people are beginning to truly realize the value in outside, experienced home care support, and that is paying dividends for those who wish to avoid a return trip to the hospital.


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