Elderly Homecare: Get Started Slowly

Your elderly parents may be content, or resigned, with how they are aging. One day simply leads to the next. But they are more prone to falls. And, they may not be taking care of themselves as they once did.

How to nudge seniors toward accepting homecare? Our experience has shown that the best approach to bolster transition toward an acceptance of care services may be to simply “start slowly”. Don’t overwhelm seniors with momentous decisions. Do not, if possible, extend family discussions with forecasts covering endless weeks and months of service needs. Rather, position homecare assistance as a benefit for today, or this week. Suggest it as a “test”, to try and determine how it works. This allows elderly parents to maintain some semblance of control. They will not feel burdened by a long term commitment.

Getting started is the key…however slowly. Initially, set minimal and flexible expectations. Let the homecare staff get familiar with the senior(s). Let homecare staff gain an understanding of elderly routines, daily habits, within their household environment.

Homecare staff, such as ours — Home Care Partners, will provide insight as to the elder’s needs. They learn how best to help. Skilled caregivers can:

— positively effect an elder‘s mood
— provide assurance that current medications are on schedule
— extend a hand on household chores such as vacuuming and laundry
— assist on meal preparation and clean-up
— and, simply confirm that meals have been eaten!

Perhaps most importantly, our staff utilizes a daily record keeping system that documents observations and home environment – which the extended family can access to review status of elderly parents, their activities, and monitor ongoing health issues.


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