Living Longer Requires Planning

Life Expectancies Continue to Go Up.

Yes, the statistics concerning aging continue to provide good news — elders are living longer today than previous generations. But, living longer comes with some practical consequences which require some planning. Are your elderly parents safe to continue living at home? Can they drive safely? Would they benefit with some home care assistance?

There are also significant issues related to living longer which are going to require more of our attention. Proper nutrition. Some form of exercise. Are seniors taking proper medications? Or, are they over-medicated?

Longer life expectancy due to medical advances and a general understanding of health and the human body does effect other issues related to aging that need to be understood and addressed. More and more people in later years of life suffer from cognitive impairment, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Some estimates are that as many as 25% to 50% of people over the age of 85 suffer from some form of dementia. Based on the projection of aging baby boomers, these statistics are likely to increase.

How do we keep these seniors safe and secure?


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