How Home Care Will Help
What can you do when you sense help is needed for your elderly parents? Concern about senior safety at home may be overwhelming at times. If you’ve seen potential problems that worry you, here are some action steps to consider:
— Accompany your elderly parents to a doctor’s appointment. This enables you to hear information firsthand, and get a more accurate picture of their condition. You may be able to speak directly with their doctor. And, your presence may be comforting for seniors and beneficial in determining whether they need assistance.
— Asking about medications. Although you may not be a medical expert, it is important to take note of medications, and schedules. You can obtain information about medications and their adverse effects from a physician or pharmacy. Problems arise when medications expire, are the wrong dose or the wrong prescription. Be proactive and contact the physician or pharmacist if you have questions about an elder‘s medications.
— Documenting information. Keep track of your questions and concerns. Make note of information and status from the doctors meeting. With some notes, you will be able to recall everything at a later date. Create a summary document for future reference.
— Broaching the subject of homecare for your elderly parents may be difficult. Communication barriers, family dynamics and uncertainty with the health care system can lead to frustration and stress. Gathering other close family members, such as your adult siblings or relatives, can help paint a complete picture and bring everyone together to formulate a plan. But no matter how prepared you may feel you are, telling an elderly relative or parent that they may need help is difficult.
John D. Miller is the founder/owner of Home Care Partners, LLC, a Massachusetts business providing private duty, personalized in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help in daily activities and household functions.
Phone: (781) 378-2164
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