Senior Nutrition Guidance, pt 4

Continuing our series on senior food and nutrition, we are pleased to welcome content submitted by, a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents.

Health Conditions: Unfortunately, seniors frequently experience health conditions of varying severity. Many of these can result in reduced appetite and cause issues that may make it difficult to eat. These issues can include symptoms such as decreased saliva production, slow gastric emptying, constipation and nausea.

The senses of taste, smell and vision are important parts of the eating process. Seniors who live with conditions that affect these senses may struggle to enjoy their food in the same way they used to. When the body isn’t functioning properly due to any underlying health condition, it can result in a reduced appetite, nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Nutrition Tips for Older Adults
The importance of a healthy diet in seniors can’t be overstated, and those who struggle to consume their recommended daily intake of vegetables, fruits, proteins and other important foods may be risking their energy levels and their overall health.

The tips listed below can help seniors maintain a healthy diet, combat potential illness and nutrient deficiencies, as well as maintain a normal energy level throughout the day.

Variety is vital when it comes to consuming a healthy diet, so “mix it up”. This means enjoying treats in moderation and ensuring a healthy mix of nutritious foods each day. A well-balanced diet should include:

— Vegetables, including leafy greens and roughage, beans and legumes, and carrots, beets and other red/orange vegetables.
— Fruits, including berries, apples and citrus fruits.
— Whole grains, including wheat, pasta and brown rice.
— Proteins from animal or non-animal sources. That includes eggs, poultry, nuts, beans and soy.
— Dairy products, including low-fat milk, low-fat cheese and yogurt. Those following a vegan diet can substitute dairy with almond, rice, oat or soy products.
— Healthy fats, such as grapeseed or olive oil.

While it’s okay to indulge occasionally, seniors should limit their intake of refined sugars, excess sodium, and trans and saturated fats.


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