Caregiver Duties, part 2
Most family caregivers are not prepared to take on the challenges of caring for elderly parents or a family elder.
Understanding the most common senior caregiver duties can help you prepare. Below find our continuing tips on elder home caregiving duties.
4. Manage household chores: As your parents’ age, maintaining a home can become increasingly difficult. Older adults may need help with vacuuming, doing the dishes, or taking out the garbage. If seniors live in a house, yard work like snow shoveling and daily maintenance may become too much for them to handle.
5. Monitor medication: Older adults often take several prescription medications to treat chronic conditions. Elderly may need help keeping track of their medication list, understanding drug interactions, and taking prescribed dosages at the right time. You can help lower the risk of medication mix-ups and associated health problems by monitoring their medications and creating reminder systems.
6. Prepare nutritious meals: Food preparation can become increasingly difficult with age. If your elderly parents live alone, they may lack the energy or motivation to cook. In some cases, memory and balance issues may make cooking unsafe. As a caregiver, you can help with shopping for groceries, preparing meals, or finding alternatives to ensure proper nutrition intake.
If you need help caring for the elderly, call Home Care Partners (781) 378-2164 to discuss how we can provide personalized care services.
John D. Miller is the founder/owner of Home Care Partners, LLC, a Massachusetts business providing private duty, personalized in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help in daily activities and household functions.
Phone: (781) 378-2164
Email: [email protected]