November Caregiver Month, pt 2

November is National Family Caregivers Month. We want to acknowledge ALL the dedicated family, and private-duty caregivers for their involvement in the lives of community elders. Here are some additional issues to think/plan for as we age in place.

— Brain Health: A senior lifestyle that supports brain health can make a big difference to your well-being throughout your life. And, it’s within your power to make the daily choices that can get you there. Lifestyle habits include cultivating social connections, managing stress, getting high-quality sleep and being physically active. Are your elderly parents living a lifestyle with brain-healthy behaviors?

— Alzheimer’s or other dementia issues: There is no one size fits all when it comes to caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. Caregivers may provide help with personal care, paying bills and coordinating medical care while also providing emotional support for the person living with dementia and extended family. Regardless if you are a caregiver close by or caregiving from a distance, as the disease progresses, one’s role as a caregiver also changes. Be prepared for changes.

— Is your home fit? There are small (and not so small) design changes you can make for a safer and more comfortable home. Small home improvements can make a big difference in a elder’s life. Changes that will enable seniors to “age in place.” Changes that can also make life easier for visitors of all ages, from grandchildren to adult children and friends. Some home improvement tips include installing comfort-height toilets, shower seats, slip-free rugs, and exterior lighting that doesn’t require a ladder to change the bulb.

— Managing Dietary Needs: As a caregiver, can you safely prepare food for any setting and occasion? Many elders suffer from gluten-related conditions and/or celiac disease. (The only treatment for celiac disease is a strict adherence to the gluten-free diet.) As the holidays approach, please try to ensure that elderly parents and/or family members with dietary restrictions can enjoy the festivities in a safe and healthy way.

Family, friends, and caregivers are the backbones of America’s care system. If you are not currently a family caregiver, at some point in your life you either will be a caregiver or need a caregiver. Call Home Care Partners at (781) 378-2164 to discuss how we can help.


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