Home Care Reduces Hospital re-Admissions

It is generally a welcome relief for elderly patients (and families) to be discharged from hospital care and sent home.  Returning to the familiar and welcome environment of home, a senior is "all better".   However, that is far from...

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Elders and Doctor Visits

We need to encourage our elderly parents to pay attention to their health. If, and more likely "when", they begin to sense something is not quite "right", they need to feel ok to discuss with family, friends, and...

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Summary Medicare Coverage and Costs

The landscape covering seniors and community elderly for Medicare benefits can be difficult to navigate. Professional advice - see your local SHINE officer at area Council on Aging - will help simplify the myriad of individualized options. Medicare will...

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Medicare and Costs

Many first-time Medicare beneficiaries expect the federal government health insurance program to pay for everything related to their health care. As we all learn quickly...it does not. Tallying how much you pay out of pocket for Medicare each year...

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Elders and Depression

Many seniors have grown up in a culture that stigmatized mental illness. This is a prevailing "cloud", which makes them less comfortable admitting when they experience depression and taking steps to do something about it. For family members wanting...

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Medicare Advantage Provides Supplemental Home Care

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is attempting to be forward thinking, especially as it pertains to elderly men and women and the care and support they may require in the future. That is why Medicare Advantage...

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What Medicare Won’t Cover

Medicare is not FREE.  While all those of eligible age are encouraged to investigate and sign-up, please remember:  it is not unusual for people on Medicare to spend more than $5,000 a year of their own cash on ongoing...

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Medicare Enrollment – What to Think About

Medicare’s open enrollment season will close on December 7th. You still have time to make several changes. You can switch from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage; you can shift from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare; you can trade...

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