Superfoods: Do They Help Seniors Stay Healthy? pt. 4

What characteristics define "superfoods"? And, more importantly, do they help seniors stay healthy? In a world where quick-fix diets and miracle health solutions vie for our attention, the term “superfoods” is everywhere. It’s printed on food packaging, discussed in...

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Elder Diet Plans, pt 3

Two eating plans that have garnered widespread support from nutritionists and health care professionals are the Mediterranean diet and the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet. Rather than diets, it’s more accurate to call them lifestyle approaches, as...

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Elder Tips for Healthy Eating, pt 2

Does everyone follow the phrase, "you are what you eat"? Of course, not always. But ingesting healthy foods into the engine of an elderly body DOES make a positive difference. Here are some tips to implement healthy eating...

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Senior Lifestyle Changes – Embrace Healthy Eating, pt 1

As the new year begins, many older adults are reflecting on their lives and setting goals to become healthier. One of the most common resolutions is to eat better and possibly even drop a few pounds — a commendable...

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How Home Care Will Help

What can you do when you sense help is needed for your elderly parents? Concern about senior safety at home may be overwhelming at times. If you’ve seen potential problems that worry you, here are some action steps...

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Signs Your Elderly Parents Need In-Home Care

Are you concerned about the wellness of an elderly parent who’s living alone? If you’ll be visiting them over the holidays, it’s a great opportunity to check on how well they’re doing. If you are already concerned, you’re not alone!...

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COLA and Social Security 2024

The cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) gets the headlines, but multiple aspects of Social Security change annually to reflect national trends in prices and wages, affecting the benefits paid to tens of millions of Americans and the taxes paid by nearly...

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Hearing Loss – Simple Adjustments

The holidays are a time for family members and friends to celebrate traditions, catch up, and enjoy each other’s company. Throughout the celebrations, it’s essential to create environments and opportunities that are comfortable and supportive for you or your...

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