Addressing Elderly Deafness, pt. 2

Hearing aids today come in sizes that are virtually undetectable. They work by making sounds louder – although they sometimes will also increase the sound of background noises (such as crowds of people, or motor vehicle traffic). Always consult your insurance...

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Elderly Deafness, pt. 1

Don't Ignore Signs of Bad Hearing According to the National Institute on Deafness, one third of those over 60 and half of those over 85 have hearing loss. While a hearing loss is considered a normal part of aging, it...

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Flu Season: It’s Coming…

Flu Vaccination is Most Effective for Prevention It must be that time of year.  We are losing more and more of our day light...and I got my annual flu shot last week. Yes, we have seasonal changes upon us.  Our elderly parents,...

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Trends in Health Care

I came across this post recently, and these health care trends are informative... Below are 5 ways in which health care has evolved, is changing, and has improved: 1. Telemedicine: When your grandparents were kids, could they have ever imagined something...

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Importance of Prostate Screening for Men

Annual Screening is VERY Important There are virtually no symptoms during the early stages of prostate cancer. Therefore, annual screenings are strongly recommended for Caucasian men beginning at age 50 and African-American and Hispanic men beginning at 40. ...

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Prostate Cancer: Number 1 for Men

Prostate cancer is the number one form of cancer among men in the U.S., with approximately 290,000 new cases diagnosed every year. An estimated 13 percent of all men will be diagnosed with the disease. And, it...

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Elder Risks of Heat Stroke

The elderly, in general, are a population most at risk for heat stroke. In many cases, pre-existing conditions may adversely effect a senior's ability to deal with heat. Often, seniors with lung disease, heart disease, or kidney disease are...

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Medical Emergency: Heat Stroke

Elderly at Risk As the summer heat continues, it is advisable to be aware of the symptoms and risks associated with over-heating. Continuing our series of heat related health problems, we have been hightlighting elder hydration and nutrition. Today...

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Senior Hydration, Nutrition, part 5

What to choose when you are looking for a healthy snack or meal? Hey, we all cut corners at times. Sometimes the healthy choice just isn't as easily prepped as a quick sugar snack. But appetite...

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Senior Hydration, Nutrition: part 4

It is estimated that up to 40% of community-dwelling elderly people may be chronically underhydrated. Not helping matters, we are experiencing a very hot, humid summer. While older adults are at greater risk for dehydration due to temperatures, there...

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