November — Diabetes Awareness Month

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Communities and organizations throughout the country observe National Diabetes Awareness Month to bring attention to diabetes and its impact on millions of Americans. November also means it's Thanksgiving time. Living with diabetes can be challenging...

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From Hospital to Home: Benefits of Home Care

One of the most significant challenges hospitals face in reducing readmission rates (when a patient is readmitted within 30 days of their discharge) is keeping their patients actively engaged in their own health, recovery, and care.   Readmission, in many...

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Medicaid Continues to Expand: Good or Bad?

Re-posting an article summary...Medicaid spending is something we should be thinking about! Millions of men, women, and children across the country rely on Medicaid for their healthcare. While the program was initially designed to support the elderly, it expanded through...

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Family Complications with Caregiving

Our elderly parents are living longer than ever — and yet, they're not necessarily in good health during those "bonus years." Modern medicine, and healthier lifestyles have had a positive effect on longer aging. But this reality has meant that,...

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Pain Awareness and Opioid Addiction

Now is a good time to discuss a problem that effects an estimated 100 million Americans – more than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined - pain awareness and opioid addiction. Pain is associated with a wide range of injury and...

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Medigap Insurance in Retirement

When people consider retirement, health care planning becomes a higher priority and comes with certain areas of confusion. One of these is Medicare, a valuable source of health insurance for people 65 and older. Making the change in policy coverage,...

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Elderly – Heat Stroke Risks

Following up on last week's blog highlighting heat awareness...I'd like to address some of the actual health risks for aging parents and the elderly community caused by heat. Summer temperatures do not need to be extreme in order to cause...

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Heat Awareness for Elderly

The summer season is upon us.  But the heat and humidity, welcomed by many beach goers and families, can be a difficult time for the elderly, particularly those with chronic illnesses and/or those who take certain medications. The biggest dangers...

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Value of Home Care for Elderly

More seniors are reaching retirement age right now than at any other time in history.  The so-called Baby Boomer generation is now aging, and moving to retirement from the workforce.  (Baby Boomers are men and women who were born...

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Medicare Coverage for Seniors is Limited

I am re-publishing the following blog post. Not only because many seniors need to understand the limitations of Medicare, but also because I have, at times too often to count, encountered the same mis-understanding from the elderly parents when...

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