Social Security Serves Veterans

I came across this article last week. Given the awareness of this week's Veterans Day, I thought it appropriate to essentially republish this information... On November 11, we honor our Nation’s veterans for their service to America. What better...

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Home Care Extends Quality to Life

Home care extends life. Studies by nursing schools and government agencies have found that home care extends life. Visits by home care personnel often provide emotional as well as medical support. When confronted with the necessity of...

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Home Care – Preferred Choice by Seniors

Why do seniors, our elderly parents, and family members prefer home care services at home? - Home care is delivered by a special group of people. Caring staff members don’t work in the home care industry for the...

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Seniors and Medication

Do your elderly parents manage their own medications? Many seniors are fully capable of managing proper dosage and timing. However, most seniors working with our agency, Home Care Partners, need additional supervision and reminders on what pills...

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Elders and Drug Complications

It is estimated that 38 million older Americans suffer drug complications every year, about 180,000 of which are life-threatening. Do your elderly parents understand their medications?? My Mother certainly does not. She will take pills as given...

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Elders and Medication Management

Are our seniors medically over-prescribed? The average 65 - 69 year-old fills 13.6 prescriptions per year. Upon reflection, this seems too many. And elders in the age range of 80 - 84 years have an average...

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Elderly are Malnourished?

Here are some tips suggested by the Mayo Clinic that family caregivers can take to reduce the likelihood of elderly parents or loved ones becoming malnourished: - Encourage regular physical activity. (See Home Care Partners previous blog entries on this...

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Be Alert for Signs of Malnutrition in Elderly

Good nutrition is critical to our overall health and well-being. Existing on junk food is just not an acceptable habit. Yet many seniors and older adults are at risk of inadequate nutrition. And there are many reasons...

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Diagnosis & Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Our elders may be living and dealing with the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. The strength to deal with aches and pain is a part of what has enabled them to live a long life. But with...

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Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The cause, or causes, of rheumatoid arthritis is not yet known. It can effect both men and women, although research seems to show that women are more likely to develop the disease at an earlier age (commonly between...

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