Staying Connected in Times of Covid
How can we, and should we, communicate with elderly parents and loved ones who don’t live nearby? How can we catch-up with those who are isolated while “sheltering in place”? Or, for seniors who live in communal housing, or assisted living facility which has imposed visitation and personal contact restrictions?
It may be the time to help your elderly parents, and community seniors learn and utilize online communication. Most of our favorite restaurants and local shops are offering online menus, promotional sales, and other options for all consumers. Not only is this methodology getting better, but it is also very likely to continue for quite some time.
Lack of technical knowledge is no longer a reason not to touch base. It is time to help your senior and yourself relieve any fears they may have of online communication.
There are several helpful options to stay in touch with long-distance seniors. Skype calls, and Zoom meetings are easy to use.
For elderly parents, the most efficient process is simple: schedule a call on a regular basis. Set aside a time of day, and day of week, so that seniors can mark the date on their calendar. This gives them something to look forward to on a regular basis. Does Sunday morning work best? Or after dinner on a weeknight?
Invite other family or friends to join in. If they know your video call occurs at the same link every week on Sunday at 10am, they can also schedule their own participation regularly. Through available technology, we can all chat, catch-up, and communicate.
Social contact is very important for older adults. With isolation comes the risk of boredom and depression. Online communication tools enable us all to see, hear, and reach each other while in our own “safe distancing” bubble.
John D. Miller is the founder/owner of Home Care Partners, LLC, a Massachusetts business providing private duty, personalized in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help in daily activities and household functions.
Phone: (781) 378-2164
Email: [email protected]