Treating Heart Failure
There are many elderly living with the challenges of a weak heart. Treatment for heart failure can be complex and difficult to understand. It is very important to have a clear, concise, daily regimen. Monitoring medications, salt and fluid intake, and weight are important. Having a family member or homecare staff involved is extremely helpful.
A tailored exercise program can be a big help in managing heart conditions. At times, practical concerns may be roadblocks to treatment. Is someone available to supervise elderly therapy and aerobic physical activity? How much transportation is required for a beneficial cardiac rehab programs? Elders, family members and healthcare providers need to work together to address solutions to the barriers preventing a patient from participating in a structured exercise program.
For many elders, it feels overwhelming to manage their heart failure care routine. But planning and process can ease the burden. Keep a daily record of your weight, fluid intake, any leg swelling or shortness of breath. In-home care staff can serve as reminders, as well as help report concerning signs such as a sudden, steady weight gain; increased fatigue or swelling; and difficulty breathing.
Family caregivers often step in to support their loved one’s care needs. Local senior services agencies and geriatric care managers can help create a support system. Many families also find that in-home care provides the extra help their elderly parents. A professional in-home caregiver can adhere to daily “checks”, and support compliance.

John D. Miller is the founder/owner of Home Care Partners, LLC, a Massachusetts business providing private duty, personalized in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help in daily activities and household functions.
Phone: (781) 378-2164
Email: [email protected]