Home Care is Best for Elderly
Home care helps seniors maintain their independence.
Home care allows seniors to continue to live in the place they function best – their home. Actually, the care engagement philosophy at Home Care Partners is to allow the senior to continue to engage in all household functions in which they are physically and mentally able. If an elder is unsafe or unable to properly cook a meal, our care staff will prepare and serve. But we may insist that the elder get up and walk to the table to eat. In this case, our staff has assisted with the meal preparation and clean-up, but has not “catered” to the client. Getting up to the table requires their movement, which provides some exercise for muscle groups and mobility.
Home care prevents (or postpones) institutional life. Living in a long-term care facility is unfamiliar and can often be intimidating. Without question, in many cases institutional care facilities may be the single most appropriate living environment for seniors needing special, or specific attention. But it is rare to have an elderly parent actively lobby for a change from home to institutional living. Most people prefer postponing the inevitable as long as possible. Home is where the heart is, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, home is where the senior prefers to live.
Home care helps promote healing. Medical evidence shows that people recover more quickly at home. An elder is in his/her normal environment. Undoubtedly, they can get a better night’s rest than in a strange bed – in a noisy facility.

John D. Miller is the founder/owner of Home Care Partners, LLC, a Massachusetts business providing private duty, personalized in-home assistance and companion care services to those needing help in daily activities and household functions.
Phone: (781) 378-2164
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://homecarepartnersma.com