Seniors and Chronic Pain, #6

Continuing our blog series on “Pain”. Submitted by guest author, Kevin Samuels, Outreach Coordinator, Flowers Health:

Increasing age is the single most significant risk factor for chronic pain. According to research data, 33% of people older than 65 years have long-term pain. Studies also suggest that pain is most severe in adults aged 45 to 65 years.

Chronic pain can be debilitating, but proper testing can lead to effective treatment. The common conditions that cause chronic pain in older adults are:

— Cancer
— Arthritis and gout
— Heart disease
— Kidney disease
— Damaged nerves
— Stroke
— Shingles

Men and women perceive pain differently. Several factors contribute to this difference. These include hormones, menstruation, puberty, and reproductive status.

Women also have a higher risk of developing disorders that cause chronic pain. Examples of such conditions include:

— Arthritis
— Brittle bones
— Migraines
— Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which causes mild to severe stomach cramps


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