Senior Hydration: Tips for Elderly, part 3

What Is Dehydration?

The Mayo Clinic states, “Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn’t have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions. If you don’t replace lost fluids, you will get dehydrated.” The signs of dehydration in seniors include:

— Dry mouth
— Decrease in urination; urinary tract infections; urine that is darker than normal
— Muscle cramps
— Feeling dizzy or lightheaded; fainting
— Poor concentration
— Weakness
— Constipation
— Falling
— Difficulty remembering

Dehydration in Seniors

Although people of all ages can get dehydrated, the elderly are at greater risk because of changes in their bodies as they grow older. According to the National Council on Aging, dehydration in seniors is more prominent and they are more vulnerable for several reasons:

Seniors’ appetite and thirst tend to diminish with age, meaning that even if their bodies are craving fluids, they might not be aware of it; therefore, they may drink less than needed to stay healthy.
Older adults experience body composition changes over time, leaving them with less water in their bodies.
Seniors are more likely to take medications that increase dehydration risk and may have mobility problems that make it difficult to get water for themselves.


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