Elderly Parents Benefit by Staying at Home

Benefits of Home Care There are significant benefits to seniors remaining in their own homes. Some are tangible, such as the high financial costs of a facility versus living at home. But, there are also many intangible, emotional, benefits...

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Elderly Prefer to Age at Home

What is widely viewed as the best and most viable delivery of health care in America?  The answer...approximately 90 percent of infirm and elderly individuals have been found to prefer home care over comparable institutional care.  No surprise here. Elderly...

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Elderly Homecare: Get Started Slowly

Your elderly parents may be content, or resigned, with how they are aging. One day simply leads to the next. But they are more prone to falls. And, they may not be taking care of themselves as they...

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Elderly May Be Hesitant to Accept Help

Very rarely do we find elderly parents who are asking for help. Calls for home care assistance generally come from adult children. Extended family members are tasked with researching home care agencies. It is a characteristic of elders,...

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Gifts for the Caregivers

Caregivers are constantly busy. They work with elders. They manage and maintain the security and safety of your elderly parents. And, they have their own lives. A little bit of help...that probably describes an appropriate gift...

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Holiday Gifts for Elderly

You are stumped for gift ideas for your elderly parents. Dad has early onset of alzheimer's. Mom is simply slowing down, with much less mobility and showing cognitive decline. Here are some ideas for holiday gift shopping... Magazines...

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Committing to Home Care Services: Go Slowly

Elderly clients may be content, or resigned, with how they are aging. One day simply leads to the next. Our experience has shown that the best approach to bolster transition toward an acceptance of care services may be to...

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Teaching Elderly About Homecare

It is a characteristic of elderly, like so many of us, to be hesitant to accept the assistance of strangers in their home. These emotions are to be expected. I always make mention of this in conversations with adult...

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Parkinson’s Disease: Diet Recommendations for Elderly

As with many of the diseases that affect our elderly adults, staying active and pursuing a healthy diet can slow the progression of the disease. There are both physical and emotional issues that result from a diagnosis of Parkinson's. ...

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Parkinson’s: Exercises for Elderly

Exercise for Parkinson’s Disease patients is extremely important. Maintaining muscle strength, flexibility, and stretching helps to delay the muscle contraction caused by the disease. Think about aerobic activities – ideally 3 days a week for 30 minutes per session....

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