Be Alert for Common Infections in Elderly

Everyone can catch a cold.  And the flu.  Such common infections can happen to anyone.  But for the elderly, these illnesses can mask even greater health issues. As we age, our body chemistry and metabolism change.  Recovery time may be...

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Seniorities Cable TV Program: Social Services

Co-host, "Seniorities" As Chairman of the Board, Scituate Council on Aging, I co-host a bi-monthly program with Linda Hayes, Executive Director of the COA.  Click on link below as we overview social services and resources available to community seniors.

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Seniorities Cable TV: Community Outreach and Seniors

Co-host, "Seniorities" As Chairman of the Board, Scituate Council on Aging, I co-host a bi-monthly program with Linda Hayes, Executive Director of the COA.  Our focus is to inform, educate, and advocate on behalf of our senior population. Click on link...

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Women and Heart Disease

Heart disease is under-diagnosed, and under-treated. It is estimated that 6 million women develop coronary heart disease on an annual basis. And, the symptoms of a heart attack are different between men and women. Females should work to be educated...

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Women: Heart Attack Recognition

Research on heart attacks has uncovered differing causes and risk factors between men and women. Symptoms, treatments, and cardiovascular conditions can be quite different for female patients. Surveys have shown that many women do not fully understand their risk of...

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Sleep Awareness

HOW ARE YOU SLEEPING? Getting a good night’s sleep is important for your overall health and your mood at any age. However, it can be particularly important for older adults. With National Sleep Awareness Week this month, now is a particularly...

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Work, Retirement, and Social Security

Thinking about funding retirement years? Seniors need to understand their resources and options. See additional information from the Social Security Administration regarding benefits, your eligible age, and your ability to be patient... ****************************************************************** You may start receiving Social Security benefits as...

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January Resolutions

Are you still continuing with your new year's resolutions? According to an article in the Journal of Psychology, about 50 percent of Americans make resolutions at this time of year in areas of health (lose weight, exercise more, stop...

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Observe Elders in Need of Help

Have you noticed your elderly parents needing household assistance? During this holiday season, be observant when visiting elderly family. If you notice a problem in one area, for example: stale food in the refrigerator...this might also be indicative of other...

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Slight 2017 Increase in Supplemental Security Income

Re-post from Social Security newsletter... Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits will see a slight increase in 2017. Some other adjustments that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based...

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