Are Mom and Dad Safe Behind the Wheel?

Telling an elderly parent that he or she needs to stop driving is a conversation that most adult children put off as long as possible.  And rightfully so. It is a very touchy, emotional, and difficult subject to tackle...

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Seniorities – Transportation and GATRA

Co-host, “Seniorities” As Chairman of the Board, Scituate Council on Aging, I co-host a regular cable tv program with Linda Hayes, Executive Director of the COA. Click on link below as we discuss issues related to senior and public transportation...

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Summer Heat and Senior Dehydration

Dehydration can cause issues such as low blood pressure, cognitive impairment, and urinary tract infections.  Proper hydration is vital to keeping the body regulated.  Seniors, those over age 65, are much more prone to heat related issues than other...

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Seniorities TV: Transportation Services for Seniors

Co-host, "Seniorities" As Chairman of the Board, Scituate Council on Aging, I co-host a bi-monthly program with Linda Hayes, Executive Director of the COA. Click on link below as we discuss Transportation services - locally, and for scheduled medical appointments -...

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