Elders Prefer Services at Home

It is easy to understand why seniors, and our elderly parents, prefer homecare services. The benefits also extend to family members, who may be trying to provide time and resources while juggling atomic family responsibilities.

Here are just a few of the reasons why elderly parents and community seniors benefit from agencies such as Home Care Partners.

Homecare is delivered by a special group of people. Caring staff members don’t work in the home care industry for the money. Our staff understands the value they bring to the elderly. They enjoy this kind of work because it results in the emotional satisfaction of helping others, and for making a difference in the life of another. There is an unmeasurable value in helping those in need.

Homecare extends life. Yesterday I received a phone call from a former client. Her pill box had not been filled, so she was unable to calculate what medications she should take. Compounding matters, her eyesight is so bad, she is unable to read the prescription bottles. Is she safe living alone? Seniors living alone, almost in isolation, are prone to bad habits. Meals may not be prepared properly; medications may be skipped or forgotten.

Visits by homecare personnel provide a personal connection, possible medical support, and some general help around the house.


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