Older Adults and Cancer

In general, older adults being treated for cancer may have some/all of the following characteristics: Elders may be less tolerant of certain cancer treatments. Certain drugs effect people differently, and the immune system may already be compromised due to aging/health...

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Elderly, Aging, and Cancer Diagnosis

There are complexities involved when elders age. As well, there are related complexities to senior care planning. -- Diagnosing the elderly with cancer can be very difficult. First and foremost, seniors may be hesitant and apprehensive about reporting health problems....

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Elderly Need Cognitive Exercise

Exercise is healthy for seniors. We hear this message all the time. Stay active. Keep an aging body in shape. Maintain muscle strength. Yes, physical exercise helps in any number of ways...improving blood circulation, keeping muscles...

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Keeping Your House Cool

Record setting high temperatures already! Not only did heat come suddenly, but it came forcefully. Keep Your House Cool: Seniors (and also young children) are most at risk because of poor temperature regulation systems. When I visit my parents, I...

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Drink Plenty of Water

Within the past week, I have gone from wearing winter coat and gloves, to shortsleeves and shorts. Admittedly, I do prefer the latter temperature conditions. It does feel that summer is finally making an appearance. But, just today, a...

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Healthy Aging: Quick-Fix Guide to a Pain-Free Lifestyle — guest

Guest posting authored by Andrea Gibbs, a frequest blog contributor at Serenity Senior Care and a content manager at SpringHive Web Agency... When your elderly parents get older, it can be challenging to keep up with the decreasing mobility and...

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Benefits of Home Care, pt 2

Home care means personalized care, delivered to elders, in the privacy and comfort of their own home.  At Home Care Partners, we have been approached by many staff members wanting to provide more one on one care. Staff...

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Benefits of Home Care, pt. 1

When families, clients, friends and neighbors ask me about the benefits of home care services for the elderly, I have multiple answers to offer in response: Reasons Why Home Care Services Provide Value Home care is the most effective form of...

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Support Elder Independence at Home, pt. 3

How can you support your elderly parents to remain at home, and remain independent? Encourage elderly to remain active, and involved -- physically if possible; emotionally through communication -- in family life. Connect kids, grandchildren, local and distant friends....

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Seniors Coping with Loss of Independence pt 2

How can you help your elderly parents cope with loss of independence? Or, to put it another way, how to cope with increasing "dependency"? Relying on other people for assistance with basic tasks like bathing or common activities like...

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